How you can raise your profile with the Plant-Based Trademark.

Plant Based Approved

The Vegetarian Society Approved trademarks are symbols you will see on thousands of products in shops all over the UK, EU, USA and many other countries.

There are three Vegetarian Society Approved trademarks – one for vegetarian products, one for vegan products and one for plant-based products. The vegetarian trademark has been in use since 1969, and the vegan trademark was registered in 2017.

The Plant-Based trademark was introduced in 2024 due to demand from manufacturers and the market.

Our Trademarks


Plant-based Market

Trademark Enquiries

Benefits to your Business

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Our trademarks encourage consumers to choose your products when they’re shopping.

All figures from YouGov UK Plc March 2023. Total sample size was 2036 vegetarian and vegan adults.


of veggie and vegan consumers would prefer to buy a product with a Vegetarian Society Approved trademark.


would prefer to see our accreditation symbol on product packaging, rather than reading through an ingredient list.


over three quarters of vegetarians and vegans actively look for a Vegetarian Society Approved trademark on product packaging.

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